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    Is Intermittent Fasting Right For You? Benefits and More

    Intermittent fasting has become all the rage in the past few years. If you don’t know what it is, let us tell you all you need to know here.

    What if we tell you that breakfast is NOT the most important meal of the day? Sorry to burst your bubble, but we had to tell you the truth. How do we know it? Intermittent fasting has been uncovered the fact recently.

    Fasting is a revolutionizing appetite manager for anyone who needs good guidance and balance for what they consume throughout their day.

    We’ll look at the nitty-gritty of intermittent fasting in this blog.

    Why Go for Intermittent Fasting?

    According to Rafael de Cabo, Ph.D., a credible researcher in The New England Journal of Medicine, intermittent fasting is great for weight loss. It slows down the natural aging process by reducing insulin production.

    Yes! You read that right.

    Eating snacks round the clock wears your digestive system and other organs which hinders better digestion. There are hardly any side effects of fasting

    In turn, they end up producing more insulin and absorbing fewer nutrients. On the other hand, fasting, 8 (hours for eating) x 16 (hours of the day for fasting), gives your body a rest.

    Intermittent Fasting Presents Numerous Perks:

    • Higher self-esteem (better health)
    • No oxidative stress
    • Cell repair (body takes its time to process food)
    • Mental clarity (less insulin)


    • Fish+healthy proteins
    • Avocados
    • Green leafy vegetables
    • Nuts
    • Sweet potatoes
    • Unprocessed carbohydrates
    • Healthy fats for healthy hormones

    When to Eat:

    • Eat in the earlier part of the day
    • Eat in the 8 hours window only.
    • Drink water throughout the day

    When we talk of intermittent fasting rules, there are none. Although there are factors that you need to look over before adopting fasting practices.

    Intermittent Fasting is NOT for you if:

    1. You Have Eating Disorders

    If you have an eating disorder, then there’s a good chance that intermittent fasting won’t work that well for you. It may even turn the health tide for the worse.

    People addicted to binge eating, sugary foods, and overeating may feel sick after adapting to fasting.

    Eating Disorder Symptoms:

    • Guilt with eating food
    • Anxiety-related to some food items
    • Strict eating routine
    • Overeating

    Intermittent Fasting Side Effects:

    • Constant hunger distraction
    • Headaches
    • Sleeplessness

    2. You Are Diabetic

    Diabetic patients have to be very careful when they plan their meals, and the same is the case with intermittent fasting. There are no solid facts that support that fasting isn’t good for diabetic type 1 and type 2.

    According to NCBI, research conducted to find the results of intermittent diabetic patients proved that fasting helps them lose weight and makes them independent of insulin. However, it’s still a gray area.

    Doctor Cadrina Calder, a health educator, says:

    “If you’re a diabetic and currently on medications for diabetes, especially insulin, you should never do intermittent fasting without consulting with a doctor first and being monitored closely. Fasting combined with diabetes medications can cause your blood sugar to get dangerously low.”

    There are no definite statements about health professionals’ benefits or side effects. So, it’s better to stay on the safer side until you are sure.

    Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Diabetics:

    You can look for these symptoms to track your health when you are diabetic and following fasting:

    • Anxiety
    • Shakiness
    • Sweating
    • Nausea
    • Dizziness

    Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Diabetics:

    • Reduced insulin need
    • Weight loss
    • Body detoxification

    3. You Are Pregnant/Nursing:

    A pregnant and nursing mother needs complete nourishment to support their baby’s health. An experiment done on rats showed deteriorating signs on the fetus. Babies born from intermittent fasting mothers are generally lighter in weight and lack important nutrients.

    Fasting has strong repercussions on the baby’s physiology and growth. The molecule transporter is disturbed, resulting in the baby’s metabolite struggles. Both girls and boys lacked sufficient fetal plasma amino acids.

    Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Pregnancy:

    According to scientists, fast is just as significant as what they eat. It may be tough to get the proper quantity of nourishment when you restrict your eating to specific times or days. This is made increasingly complicated because your baby is also drawing on your nutritional reserves.

    If you must, you can try eating nutritious food with a digestive window, but it’s still not recommended for expecting mothers. The case is the same even if you are a new mom because you need nutrition for yourself.

    4. You Have Sleeping Problems

    Getting a good night’s sleep is a real struggle for some people. Experts believe it’s good to sleep on a lighter stomach than on a full one as there are chances to gain more weight. But for people with sleeping problems, being patient with food is not an easy task.

    If you stay up all night due to insomnia or a short sleeping span, you will get hungry or munch on unhealthy snacks all night. We suggest you consult your doctor before you decide to get on the bandwagon.

    Side Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Insomniacs:

    A study by NCBI surveyed 1,422 people with intermittent fasting and sleeping struggles to come to results. The results showed around 15% of surveyors felt discomfort and had trouble falling asleep.

    These are four main conditions that every fasting enthusiast should know before stepping up for fasting of this kind.

    Is There Anything Else That You Need To Consider?

    Not really. You only have to pick the format of intermittent fasting that you are comfortable with and move forward with that. Also, ask your doctor what they think of and is there anything that they’d like to add or warn you of knowing your medical history.


    Intermittent fasting is more about health than losing weight. It trains your body to adjust itself to a balanced lifestyle, which is a need. What’s a win-win in such a situation is staying focused on your wellness.

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